Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cleaning frenzy and other random thots~

Where the microwave used to be, now given to Dave and Laura since they didn't have one. Now I have a nice display of my mom's chicken, my canisters and a bit more counter space to work at. I did have to buy a small clock so I wouldn't drive myself crazy looking for the time.

Our new microwave, now above the stove, looks like that is where it should have been all along! Thanks Debbie and Gail! Maybe we will buy a new stove?????

I have grown tired of my chipped up soap dish and decided to use a teacup and a cracked glass that was my moms for the toothbrush holder. Not only did I save $20.00 for a new set, but it makes me smile when ever I see it.
So some new pictures for you of random things, perhaps a peek at my mind these days! I have been in a cleaning frenzy, and decided it was high time to get behind that stove and fridge. I won't even say what a job that was. Then I decided to wipe down the cupboards and have discovered something that has been missing my whole life long....MURPHY OIL SOAP. How come no one ever told me how wonderful that stuff is. Is it a Canadian secret? I had heard of it before but never used it. By the end of the week everything that is wood will have been cleaned and I will be out of my first bottle of Murphy oil soap. I am hoping to call a halt to any further cleaning frenzy since I do have a wedding coming up in what....10 days!!
I am happy to begin to have some routine to my life and that the real Mother's day is tomorrow with the start of a full day of school beginning. Hannah is not quite as happy as I am, and when I dropped her off this morning I drove away and gave a good solid YIPPEE!! I just need routine and can only stand so much of the lazy life around here!
Wedding plans are coming along, and it is detail time. I should keep a pen and paper near the bed since the details creep in at the wee hours of the morning. Isn't that when the best ideas come? Seems so, and then I get to think about them for hours. But as the day comes nearer the excitement grows. We are looking forward to seeing those who are able to come to the wedding and will miss those who can't. If you think of me, send a prayer up, weddings are a bit nerve racking sometimes! Until next time, my love to you all~Ter~


  1. Thanks for sharing Auntie Terri, I really enjoy reading whats on your mind! Thanks... and oh yes, I had forgotten about Murphy Oil too!hmm...

  2. I love you Momma!

  3. Nice having the microwave off the counter! Yeah for counter space. Tam
